Star Date 07.01.2021

And I don’t even like Star Trek………….LMAO

I don’t even remember when I last wrote a blog post, it’s been years. Last year is a blur, the world nearly ended basically. COVID happened, a global pandemic that nobody was prepared for or claim they saw coming. The chaos that is America has become even more polarized and divided between the pandemic and political agendas. The whole world shut down in this freakish Orwellian fashion. Similar to Marshall Law in many areas for a significant length of time. I don’t know that there was a single country in the world that was unaffected. After 15 months, life as we knew it is 98% back on track. Things are open again, we can shop, eat out, work in an office instead of from home. I am grateful that Al and I both kept our jobs. So many lost everything last year.

My father moved here from Washington earlier this year. We’re happy to have him close by with his advancing age and are starting a remodel project on our home to better accommodate him. Oh yeah, by the way…..WE BOUGHT A HOUSE! Amid what was the craziest year in the world, we managed to finally purchase a home. The market was crazy and is now out of reach, so it happened in the nick of time as they say.

Of course with Papa, Genesee (Skye) is now back in our home. I’m grateful to have them both here, the older I get the more I value family of all else. We got to see Al’s brother and his fiancĂ© this spring, which was great. They were transitioning from SEA to France so they were here for a couple of months. It was such a pleasure getting to have them around for so long and really getting to know CC. In May, my cousin made the move to Nevada and is currently staying with us- it’s a full house! She and I spent our lives not knowing each other for a laundry list of odd reasons I won’t get into right now. But, long story short, she has made me change my belief to nature of nurture. We say the same things, we do the same things, we have injuries in the same places, we are more like twins than cousins. The sister I always dreamed of basically. I’m still giddy with excitement over how we’ve connected and continue to get closer. She may not live with us for long, but she loves Vegas and seems like she’ll stick around which I’m happy about. She’s met a special someone here already and seems so happy. She’s bloomed since she’s been here and I would say the desert definitely agrees with her. And having her around agrees with me!

Kaity is 19 now- how the time flies! She starts a new job next week. Hannah is nearly 17, she’s had a few jobs now too- how are they adulting already???! Skye is collecting job applications after turning 16 a few weeks ago, and she is ecstatic to start a job and then get her driver license. Eli is heading into 4th grade this fall and Savannah is going into 3rd. My babies aren’t babies anymore. Sniffle. But, I love watching them grow, and I love the unique friendship I’m building with each one as they grow up too. Life happens, I try to work against my own unreasonable anxiety to just enjoy each phase.