
We’ve been in Nevada nine months now. It seems like 10 years, it seems like a week. We have accomplished so much yet so little. We still have only one TV, we still don’t have a fully furnished home, we still haven’t acquired a family physician and Savi missed her 18 mo check up. But, we have two vehicles for the first time in six years, we both have jobs that pay us well considering where we are geographically and our education levels, the kids have transitoned well, things are good.   I sometimes wonder if I’ve taken too much on, but I just do what has to be done. I am now managing a family of seven, a full time job and my grandparent’s estate and life planning. I don’t have much free time, my house is often messy, there’s always that feeling that I should be doing more and sometimes I just can’t. There are still challenges and stresses but our story is certainly one of success. Looking back on what we’ve accomplished in 9 mo, it is truly a fete to be proud of.