Midnight Snacking

Lately I’ve been really focusing on being healthy. For me, yes that meant losing weight, but that is never my sole motivator. Since December of last year I’ve lost roughly 40# and that feels good, but I try to keep my motivation health based more than weight loss based. I have a gym membership that I was using pretty regularly but have failed to use as much as I’d like the last month or so. I need to get back into a routine with that for sure. Trying to cut out processed foods, cook at home more, and stop the late night eating.

Today the term midnight snacking takes on a new meaning though. Today I am waiting for midnight to eat. Because that’s when our paychecks get deposited.

We figured it out and we have collectively lost $16k in income annually. That’s a big adjustment for our family of seven. Six, I recently found out we’re only 6 now. One of our girls is choosing to live with her bio mom. Of course that doesn’t mean she’s any less a part of the family, but after identifying as a family of seven FULL TIME for so long, that is a major change for us. It’s sad. Change is never comfortable.

So, to say things are tight and finding the positivity is challenging is barely scratching the surface.