Trudging Along

Lately I’ve been homesick. Funny how all the things that make you want to leave a town can be all the reasons you miss it to. Things aren’t going badly here, it just doesn’t feel like home. Honestly the longer we’re here the luckier I know we got. The job market here is beyond tough, yet I managed to land a good job at a cool company and Al managed to land something too- both in under 6 weeks.  I talk to people every day that have been unemployed for over a year, most with more education and/or qualifications than us.
It’s slow going. We’re still working with only one vehicle and our work day is 7am to 7pm including commute. We’re still sleeping on an air mattress and there’s still a lot that we need and very little free time and funds to purchase needed items.
But we’re doing ok. We’re making it. So far our crazy pick up and move with the clothes on your back scheme has worked. We are trudging right along and maybe some day it will feel like home.
