
Winter has been long and cold this year. I swear it wasn’t this cold in past years here in Vegas, but everyone assures me it’s pretty average. I guess I am a true warm climate girl now. 60 degrees and I am shivering! The holidays were busy as usual, and now we’re starting to see the first hints of Spring. The cycle of life continues.

Al’s friend moved from Washington and has been staying with us since Thanksgiving so our home life looks a bit different right now with an added adult in the mix. Thankfully we have a decent sized space so it’s working ok. But, Eli is ready for his big boy bed and his own room so the friend moving out is certainly being anticipated! Savannah loves to sing and I recently was able to record her- she is so cute!! The time always shows the biggest changes with the youngest two- Eli is already starting kindergarten this coming Fall- what?!!

Genesee and Hannah joined a Lacrosse team so there’s that. And of course it’s not just any Lacrosse team,  it’s the most competitive team in the junior league in Clark County. 3 practices a week plus games-and for instance this week there’s scrimmages also so one of the “practices” that are usually 90  minutes is 5 hours. It’s intense. But, so far they enjoy it so we continue to make the sacrifice to get them there. Even if I feel like a freakin’ taxi service lol

Kaity is making her way through her first year of high school. She just went to her first  high school dance this past Saturday. The obligatory selfies were taken and she had a good time. Nearly 15, where has the time gone?! Wasn’t she just turning 6?!!

Al and I were supposed to be headed to sunny Florida in two days for a business conference, but due to a myriad of circumstances, that trip is no longer happening. Since I had already orchestrated a complex series of arrangements in order to make that travel possible, I decided that regardless of that trip getting cancelled, I would be going somewhere come hell or high water. So, I am taking a surprise,  last minute trip back to Bellingham this weekend! Just me, no kids, no Al, it’s going to be glorious! Except the fact that Whatcom County is basically the Arctic this week and is having a ridiculous snow storm to rival 1998-99…. This is going to be interesting.

Looking forward to warmer weather soon!