My People

I enjoy my job, and it’s easy to see, many people comment that they can tell I love what I do. And a big part of that is the people I work with. We are at best a hodgepodge of misfits, many lacking formal secondary education, outside experience or both, some have completely turned their lives around, and there’s many body transformations and stories of personal perseverance and obstacles overcome. The executive team is pretty great in many ways, however those I feel the closest to are the others, the warehouse, quality assurance, manufacturing people, the ones that I identify with, paycheck to paycheck, salt of the earth, Americans. And, I guess it shows, I hope it does, someone should champion these people. I ache to be that person for them, the one I never had in those kinds of positions. In essence, these are my Lynden boys I grew up with, often from farming or otherwise “country” backgrounds, proud gun owners, loyal in ways most people these days can’t understand much less reciprocate, these are my people. I tell myself if I ever was in trouble with a need for backup, I would only need to make a couple of calls and it wouldn’t matter that I’m not their friend, that I’m just their HR lady, there would be no questions asked, they would come to my aid. Luckily I am not in a lifestyle where that need is likely, anymore, so I’ll probably never prove or disprove that belief. But, that’s how these guys are and that’s what drives me below the surface. I work to make a better life for my family, so my kids go to good schools, live in safe neighborhoods, have healthy food, al that is a given. I’m lucky in that I do enjoy the more traditionally HR-ish functions of my position too, strategic planning, directing initiatives and collaborating with others to meet business objectives. But the connection I have with these people has created a fierce commitment that I feel to them and that is what I think shines through that others see and that’s what keeps me going when I’m feeling demotivated. Human Resources can encompass many things, especially in this new era where we are becoming a more respected and integral part of strategic business growth. Often it means we are the hostess, the babysitter, the parent, the sibling, the champion, the advisor, friend, counselor, mediator, facilitator, the common thread is that you must care. You can be the most technically knowledgeable professional, but if you don’t truly care, you won’t be successful. Oh sure, you could get promoted, you might be “successful” by some people’s definition. But, as I am learning is something I often do, I have what many consider to be an unrealistic goal in my position, my definition of success is all of the things you would think, being in a leadership role, getting salary increases, sure, but there’s another layer I challenge myself to obtain. I want to be liked by pretty much everyone. Now, I am not obsessed with this, there are certainly people who don’t like me and I prepare for that and accept it when it happens. It’s more of a question, i don’t feel like it should be a given that people will hate you if you’re in HR. I every situation I ask if it’s necessary for the business, is it logical, how can we do XYZ or present it that is in the best interest of the employees so that they too understand that it’s necessary for the business, that the policy is needed, that a safety precaution is necessary, that a raise can’t be given- whatever it is. When you answer those questions and honestly do everything with humanity, humility, honesty, respect and heart, I’ve found people are pretty understanding and those that aren’t usually move on if that environment isn’t working for them. So far, so good.